


Greg Sage first built a website for his label, Zeno Records, in the late 90s. The website was a way for him to sell CDRs and records from his personal collection of his band The Wipers. He also used the website as a way to tell the story of the Wipers, with a history of the band alongside extensive pages for each of their early records. He wrote about recording ‘Is This Real?’  and pulling all the ceiling tiles out at the recording studio, ripping up the carpet just to get the room to sound alive. He wrote about his first guitar lessons and how they were so discouraging he almost quit before he started. He wrote about getting ripped off by labels and learning how to do everything himself. He wrote about the person that “Romeo” is about, how the collapse of disco facilitated the development of underground bands, and when the Wipers moved to NYC for 18 months because no one took a band from Portland seriously.

After a year or two he started writing about his other interests – conspiracy theory, weather control, and rescue dogs. For an artist that was legendarily terse, it was an incredibly generous peek into his brain. In the days following September 11, 2001, he pulled everything off the website except for the catalogue and a straightforward discography. ‘The Wipers Website Archive 1998-2001’ reproduces the original texts from the website, preserving these remarkable stories about one of the greatest bands to ever play alongside the concerns of one of the most interesting people alive.

11 x 8.5 inches, 40 pages. Black & white.

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Weight .3 lbs